Find Your Dream Home

Lori Baronas
Real Estate Salesperson
Coldwell Banker Community Realtors

I grew up in Turners Falls but have a sweet spot for Whately and South Deerfield. My Dad ran a barbershop in Northfield and when long hair became popular, and business took a downturn he went into real estate. It was called Dresser Real Estate and he had offices in Turners Falls and Northfield. I worked in the office through my high school years and when I was old enough,  obtained my broker’s license. We also prepared taxes, something I continue to do and love, which compliments the real estate business. He and I worked together until his retirement when he moved to Florida. I learned a very strong work ethic from him, working many long hot days in the tobacco fields and on the farm.

Renovating and building homes became a family affair. I lived in an unfinished house up until I got married and swore, I would never move into another unfinished house again. My husband Ray and I built our own home in South Deerfield on the family Hillside Dairy Farm property and enjoy the farmland, wildlife and all its beauty. 

I love working with buyers trying to find them their dream home and sellers looking to begin a new chapter in their lives. I am always there for my clients which can be a very stressful and challenging at times. Buyers and sellers can depend on me as I’m a 24/7 type person. 

Throughout the years I have given back to my community in many ways. I have written grants for the local fire department and schools. I was instrumental in starting the Pop Warner Football League and then went on to raise money for the athletic field lights at Frontier Regional School. I have worked with United Way, the GCC Foundation, hosted over 20 students from foreign countries, worked and chaired many church suppers, and volunteered in the school system. I grew up around and have a love of antique cars. The first car we had was a 1917 Model T that was used for bootlegging beer. I became the first female president of the Connecticut Valley Region Car Club of the VMCCA and AACA. In 2008, I ran a national car meet in the Berkshires and had over 200 cars from all over the U.S. parked on the lawn at Tanglewood for the Tanglewood on Parade series with the music from the film Cars.

I retired from the Graduate Dean’s Office at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and look forward to helping buyers and sellers on their next journey.


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